AP 3D blog 2010-2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

i like taking pictures

So... this week was pretty good. I made a necklace/earring combo for my breath section out of this cool industrial looking wire. It kinda turned out like a beehive, but whatevs.... it was still cool! I still have to photograph all of my projects -__- so THATS going to be fun.... but other than that, I'm nearing the end of all my stuff and its pretty exciting! I still haven't decided if im going to use models or not to showcase my pieces. ALSO i've been looking at cameras..... and i have a picture of my dream. Unfortunately its like 1700-1800 bucks out of my price range......................... haha oh well! It's always good to dream.. right? Right.

Friday, March 11, 2011

bloggy boo for march 11

So... today I actually worked in class! Haha. I made two pendant type things that I think I'm going to use for my breadth section. They're pretty cool.... at least I think they are. Although I'm running low on wire and i really don't want to spend the money to get more -__-
 B;ahb;xhvd oh well. I'll find the money somewhere... until then I'm just working on finishing my concentration by next critique!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rings! For the week of the 1st

So... you all probably saw my rings today during the critique... But yeah! I'm glad that I set out a goal to make higher quality pieces, and I accomplished the goal. I have a large turquoise stone that I think I'm going to make a double ring with, and I'll just have to hit up some portland bead shops to get materials for the remainder of my concentration! I also liked Whitney's (?) idea of putting things other than stones in the middle of my rings.... I guess I'll explore that when I go to portland! I'm also excited for photographing...!

 If anyone is interested in hand modeling let me know! I have sophie already, but I could possibly use someone who has a big ring finger.
ALSO. Since I'm nearing the end of my concentration... I can make rings for anyone who wants them. All I need is some sort of cylindrical object (preferably wood or metal) of your ring size to mold the clay around! :)

Blog for the 25th...

So... I have not found anyone to drill holes in my stones. It's SO UNFORTUNATE, but I guess I'll live. Supposedly there were too many cracks in the stone...? Idk. Oh well. I got some sweet 12 gauge wire along with my 20 gauge wire that I'll be able to make some sweet rings out of. I guess I won't be needing my hand model anymore...